Railway Equipment

Wills's Cigarettes, 1938. Serie van 50 plaatjes. Hieronder een paar voorbeelden uit deze leuke serie. Ik bezit ook een serie in het bijpassende insteekalbum.

Meer verzamelplaatjes

De man met de hamer

"Testing the wheels". Meer over het werk van de man met de hamer

Vacuümrem en luchtdrukrem

Uitleg over de werking van de vacuümrem en de luchtdrukrem.


"How the slip coach system works", "Guard slipping a coach". Over de werking van sliprijtuigen (Slipping Coaches).

Postvervoer per trein

"Interior of mail sorting coach", "Picking up mails at speed". Postzakken uitwisselen tijdens de rit.

Diesel railcar and trailer. With eightteen diesel-engine railcars in service and a further twenty under construction, the G.W.R. is the biggest user of these light and speedy units among the home railways. These railcars can be driven from either end, the engines and radiators beinig arranged along the sides below the body. The types in use by the G.W.R. range from cars fitted with buffets for the fast Cardiff-Birmingham services to a single luggage- and parcels-carrying type. The railcar illustrated is for branch line or intermediate service traffic; if required, it can haul a trailer coach as shown, or a horsebox. It can also perform light shunting duties. "Railway Equipment" No. 29, Wills's Cigarettes, 1938.

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